Sunday, March 1, 2009


There's way too many of these around, as a result of the storm a few weeks ago. So many trees were damaged that a lot of people are just cutting down all of their trees. Very sad.


Anonymous said...

WE have one to cut down and grind out the stump. It is growing too large and is too close to a $5,000 driveway we just put in a couple of years ago. The roots will heave up and damage the driveway. So out come the tree. Not a pretty tree and almost no value except in making a mess in the spring.

Antjas said...

I just heard we are expecting 12-18 inches of wet, heavy, wind-driven snow in the next 48 hours. I can only guess that we will lose a lot of trees that are heavy with sap and as a result, end up with many similar stumps.